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A calendar for january is sitting on a table next to a piece of paper.


By Accountable Bookkeeping December 24, 2019
W-2's must be prepared and filed by businesses for any employees who worked for them for the previous year. For the 2019 calendar year, employers must provide employees with a W-2 by January 31, 2020. It is helpful to give these forms to your employees before the end of January so if any corrections need to be made, they can be made before the end of January. W-2's shows an
A person is typing on a laptop computer.
By Accountable Bookkeeping December 23, 2019
1099-Misc is used to report payments made for services performed for a business by people not treated as employees such as Subcontractors, freelancers, professional services, rent payments, repairs, web designing, etc. Any individual or non-incorporated business that your company has paid a service for is required to submit to you a completed W9. 1099s then will be filed
A newspaper is being printed on a printing machine.
By Accountable Bookkeeping December 19, 2019
Did you know that you can reduce ink use and save money by changing your default e-mail font to Century Gothic? This font requires 30% less ink than Arial. Ink accounts for about 60% of the cost of a printed page, according to the University of Wisconsin Green Bay’s IT department.
An old black telephone is sitting on a white surface.
By Accountable Bookkeeping December 12, 2019
When concluding a phone conversation, wait an extra second before ending the call. You never know when the speaker will add a key point or remember to tell you something important. Let the other end the call first. You benefit by giving the other person the last word.
The year 2020 is written on a wooden background with stars.
By Accountable Bookkeeping December 4, 2019
The W-4 form has changed for the 2020 year. Any new employee starting in 2020 is required to complete this new form. Any current employee is not required to complete a new one. The new form is based on the individual’s income tax return. The IRS is highly recommending everyone to use the provided IRS estimator at for most accurate withholding amounts.
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